No time to write?

Regardless of industry, the one commodity in short supply is TIME.  Our radar wish list is often beyond what we can realistically get to.  Why am I stating the obvious?  Because time after time, I see great blogs fizzle out because the author couldn’t find the time to keep writing.  Yes, it is a commitment, and without consistency a blog (regardless how fabulous it looks) will not be effective.

Here’s a tip to help make your writing time be more effective AND efficient.  Once you have your topic in mind, do a bit of research, find or create great images, then write what you first feel (about 250 words).  Then make a list of keywords appropriate to the post.  Infuse those keywords into what you have written. There, your blog post is done!

The next step is to extend the use of that post.  Write another version of it to be published as an article.  Expand on your initial thoughts, remove any time-references and use a less casual tone.  Aim for about 500 words, again being mindful of your keywords. For very little time, you’ve got a great article to be published.

And finally, create a few snippets of 120 characters or less to feed into your social networking channels.  Yes, Twitter allows 140 characters, but you need to allow space for retweets!

This won’t give you more time to write, but you’ll get more bang for your writing buck.  And it’s all about results, right?