Is Your Content Marketing Planned or Spontaneous?
Oreo Cookie ✔ @Oreo Power out? No problem.
Was it luck? Maybe a little. But only because they were prepared for it. Oreo’s agency, 360i, assembled key players together in a “war room” during the game so they could jump on any advertising opportunity that might present itself without the slow burden of tedious approval protocols. The rest is history!
I thoroughly enjoyed the Webinar by Social Media Today about content marketing. Some content you can plan ahead (gotta love those editorial calendars). But there are some opportunities that present themselves on the fly.The webinar, entitled “Content Marketing That Works: Just-in-Time Vs. Planned” (#smtlive) included a fabulous panel:
- David Berkowitz @dberkowitz VP Emerging Media w/agency @360i
- Elizabeth B Closmore @ebclosmore VP of Strategic Accounts + Partnerships @Sprinklr
- Robert Rose @Robert_Rose Author, Speaker and Chief Troublemaker at Big Blue Moose
- moderated by @maggiefox Founder/CEO, CMO of Social Media Group
Summary and Takeaways
Planned Content:
- A good editorial calendar has structure, but must be scaleable.
- A solid content plan is the foundation for a strategic real-time strategy to be successful.
- Know your brand, audience, and approval process.
Real-Time Content:
- Real-time marketing is not “news-jacking” for the sake of viral. It’s only successful if it reaches your target audience.
- Real-time is a calculated risk. Without a solid strategy, it is just a risk.
- Real-time should always be respectful & transparent. Planned content should as well. It required earned trust.
Company Culture:
- Centralized ownership of content avoids the dreaded content silo effect and enables a quicker response to real-time.
- The best stories are told by the brand itself. Outsourced resources can help, but the best stories start at home.
- Don’t be overly dependent on data to find your stories. Data is good, but honed instincts are essential. Trust your educated gut!
- Don’t bog down your approval process or you will miss out on real-time opportunities.
Live Tweets (and retweets)
In case you missed the live event, here are tweets and retweets that go into a little more detail.
- @jensenmarketing Just joined the @socialmedia2day webinar on Content Marketing & Real Time mktg.
- @jensenmarketing Contextual real time marketing vs. news-jacking. It’s about scalability.
- @HyperlinksMedia – #realtimemarketing = less about responding within 5 min. More about making sure you’ve got the strategy right
- @jodett the war room was just the manifestation of years of work for the brand – @dberkowitz on @360i‘s work for @oreo during the superbowl
- @jensenmarketing Real time engagement comes with a risk, but lead up to the opportunity by building trust.
- @jensenmarketing Be respectful and transparent when participating in real time marketing opportunities.
- Amen! RT @nicolelemmer: story mapping, planning and editorialized content ahead of time DOES help for real-time marketing
- @JAriniello Planning, editorial strategy, & story mapping allow you to improvise fluently in real time @Robert_Rose
- @PixiePromotions “The only ones that are doing it right are the ones that are screwing up”
- @jensenmarketing There is a balance between editorial calendar discipline and responding to real time.
- @jensenmarketing Being responsive to your community in real time is powerful, both in real time marketing AND customer service.
- @jensenmarketing Viral doesn’t mean you’ve reached your target audience. Attention is nice, results are better.
- Well put! RT @socialaura: Truth. RT @Rust_Stephen: Eyeballs don’t open the cash register
- @jensenmarketing Challenges of content marketing – ability to change on a dime, real time versioning of collaboration. Governance vs. Spontaneity.
- @jensenmarketing Multi channel has resulted in teams within silos.
- @jensenmarketing The process of content marketing – needs to be centralized with ownership to de-silo the process.
- @jensenmarketing No one tells a more compelling story than the brand itself.
- @jensenmarketing Start with the customer experience – what are THEY interested in? Hint – it’s not all about you! lol
- @socialmedia2day @Robert_Rose outsourcers can help, but the brand always has to be the source of the story
- @jensenmarketing What people respond to is a moving target. Be fluid
- @jensenmarketing What is your company’s culture? Can you to react quickly to real time with proper approvals?
- I agree! RT @nyclq: Shelter Mags are doing a FANTASTIC transition into #RealTime #content creation, bringing static images to life
- @jensenmarketing Data gives you the ability to be more efficient, but not more creative. It takes people for that.
- @CourtRache “Dunk in the Dark” didn’t come from big data, it came from something risky. We must also use our gut and creativity for content
- @jensenmarketing I’m craving oreo’s now.
- RT @lfprglobal: #PR and #socialmedia work hand in hand when it comes to content marketing #smtlive @dberkowitz > true! Right @wardcommpr?
- @jensenmarketing Take a deep breath and big glass of wine. Great advice. 😉
- @lindsi My fav advice: Take a deep breath, drink a glass of wine& remember that your competitors don’t have it figured out yet either.
- @jensenmarketing Thank you @socialmedia2day for a great webinar with @dberkowitz @ebclosmore @Robert_Rose and moderator @maggiefox
While I’m a huge advocate of a good editorial calendar, make sure it’s flexible enough to respond to real-time opportunities!