Are you an accidental entrepreneur?

You know…the person who has always day dreamed and talked about great ideas, but never turned talk into action until…you know…the economy tanked and you found yourself without a daily grind.

What to do with your grind-less time?  Well, you could frantically search for another job.  But let’s face it…1 or 2 hours per day is the most you should spend on that. 

Why not fill the rest of your day turning one of your dreams into reality (sorry, that sounds too cliché).  Or at least learn something new that could actually make you more marketable!  It’s called Social Networking!  Get yourself a Twitter account, open a Facebook page (it’s not just for kids anymore) and set up your LinkedIn profile.

Not only will you learn marketable skills, you might find an effective channel to promote your business idea, yourself or both!

Now that’s a grind worth getting out of bed for every day!