10 Blogging Tips for Writing Empathetic Posts
One thing I enjoy about blogging is that you’re never done – and there are always ways to improve on what you’re doing and why you’re doing it. Busy bloggers sometimes get so caught up in their message that they forget that there is an audience behind that screen. It’s easy to lose focus of reader perspective after awhile.
I had the pleasure of spending a day with a large agency in NYC last week, as well as spending a day with some very successful bloggers, and came away with 10 things I feel I can improve on (in random order):
- Write better headlines – “how to’s”, insider perspective, time saving solutions, and lists. Improves Google love as well.
- Map out traffic patterns from all your ports of entry to your content hub (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Tumblr, etc) – make sure you understand them and that you are sending the right traffic in the right direction.
- Be more mindful of reader’s needs – what are the emotional benefits? Use the words “because” and “you” to help readers relate to your message.
- Respond to comments on your posts. Email key readers thanking them for their comments. They’ll appreciate it, and likely return.
- Give before you receive – comment, retweet, etc. This is true in blogging, and in life. Pay it forward!
- Be more specific vs broad in your posts. Make it tangible and digestible in snack-size portions.
- Don’t assume that readers already know something, even if you’ve stated it before. Most readers have NOT read all your posts-to-date.
- Write in shorter paragraphs, use sub-heads, relevant visuals and bullets.
- Giveaways work, but use in moderation and keep it fun and simple.
- If you’re a smaller/newer blogger, interview larger bloggers, create lists of bloggers who inspire you, etc.
It’s easy to get complacent, busy or too close to what you are doing to be most effective. Every now and then, take a step back, put yourself in your readers’ shoes and look at your past posts objectively.
Good can always be greater. 🙂
Hey Susan,
Great post and suggestions! I am a big believer in strong headlines. I found a website I think you will appreciate. It scores your headlines on the Emotional Marketing Value of your headline. I had done an article on my blog about but wanted to share it with you and your readers.
The EMV website can be found here : http://www.aminstitute.com/headline/
I hope you enjoy it.
Thanks for the great post!
Great tool Richard – thanks for sharing it!
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