Which came first, the marketing idea or the technology to make it happen?

brainstorming marketing ideas

brainstorming marketing ideasTechnology is driving new and affordable marketing channels and subsequent marketing strategies than ever before. But which came first, the strategy or the channel?

It’s not practical to blue-sky the ideation process if the technology to make it happen doesn’t yet exist. But should a company limit its out-of-the-box thinking to ideas supported by current known technologies?

This is where I think the relationship between a client and their agency is critical. The more open the relationship is between client and agency, the better.

When clients share their big-picture objectives, challenges, and strategies openly and consistently with their agency, then the agency can better recommend smart solutions based on what’s new in technology.

When the agency goes the extra mile to educate the client on what’s new in technology, it can spawn ideas for the client, and enable them to focus on their core business, rather than what’s new in technology.

Classic win-win.

So how does this happen? Through frequent, open and trusted communication. Yes, the good old fashioned “team” concept.

Whether you’re working with a full-service agency, or a specialty agency, keep an open line of communication. Remember, it’s a marketing partner, not a widget vendor.