Twitter Data Science Delivers Best Practices #twittersci

danI thoroughly enjoyed HubSpot guru Dan Zarella’s presentation about the science of Twitter. While there are many opinions regarding Twitter, it was refreshing to hear the data speak. And if you know Dan, it spoke very fast! Here are my tweets from the presentation – for more tweets, check out #twittersci and Dan’s blog The Social Media Scientist.
  • Just joined @hubspot webinar with @danzarella #twittersci
  • Trend – there is more twitter data than in the past. Big Data, beyond unicorn and rainbows.
  • Useful data about Twitter trumps just a whole lot of data for data’s sake. It’s about results.
  • How do you measure results on Twitter? Sales, leads, brand awareness (fuzzy), customer service metrics, SEO
  • Why on earth would someone NOT put their picture on their Twitter account?
  • Don’t forget that Twitter is an important part of #SEO. There is a correlation between tweeting, success on twitter & SEO success! (via @nicolebergMN)
  • Don’t be afraid to present yourself authoritatively in your Twitter bio. Why should people follow you?
  • Highly followed Twitter accounts are less conversational. Don’t rely on conversation to build reach.
  • Twitter is a broadcast medium w/a two-way conversation build in. Share good content to grow reach on Twitter.
  • Don’t talk about yourself all day on Twitter. Avoid self-reference language in your tweets. Don’t be “that guy”
  • Keep it positive on twitter – avoid negative words #dontbeadebbiedowner
  • tip – put url in brower with + sign afterwards to find out how many clicks it’s getting. Very cool.
  • Avoid link fatigue on Twitter. To get more clicks, tweet sloooower. Pace yourself!
  • Like a fine wine, let your linked tweets breathe. (via @kristinheinig)
  • Experiment with longer tweets – what works best with your audience? Try different approaches.
  • Twitter tip – place links towards the beginning of a tweet. Sweet Tweet Spot!
  • Action verbs have higher CTR. Action Jackson!
  • @danzarrella’s data shows hashtags may be statistically irrelevant. Only .04% difference in CTR. Exception: events. (via @tara_eames)
  • What time of day should you tweet? Later in the day better. Thur – Sun good. Hit the slower times.
  • Did you know that tweets at 4:30pm get the most retweets? Going to test that today. 🙂
  • Experiment with Friday afternoon tweets to get more retweets.
  • Soooo, a tweet at 4:30pm on a Friday should go through the roof, right? Especially if use action words.
  • Top 10 retweetable words: you, twitter, please, retweet, post, blog, social, free, media, help. (via @DigiPartner)
  • Don’t bore your followers. My mom always said “people get bored because they’re boring” 😉
  • Links get retweeted more than tweets without links. But many retweet w/o even reading link. Headlines count.
  • If you want a RT, it helps to say “please re tweet” – 4 times more likely to get retweeted. Good manners.
  • Be unique. Say things differently. Avoid common words/phrases.

Great webinar today from @hubspot – thanks @danzarrella for your analysis. #twittersci