Twitter Data Science Delivers Best Practices #twittersci

- Just joined @hubspot webinar with @danzarella #twittersci
- Trend – there is more twitter data than in the past. Big Data, beyond unicorn and rainbows.
- Useful data about Twitter trumps just a whole lot of data for data’s sake. It’s about results.
- How do you measure results on Twitter? Sales, leads, brand awareness (fuzzy), customer service metrics, SEO
- Why on earth would someone NOT put their picture on their Twitter account?
- Don’t forget that Twitter is an important part of #SEO. There is a correlation between tweeting, success on twitter & SEO success! (via @nicolebergMN)
- Don’t be afraid to present yourself authoritatively in your Twitter bio. Why should people follow you?
- Highly followed Twitter accounts are less conversational. Don’t rely on conversation to build reach.
- Twitter is a broadcast medium w/a two-way conversation build in. Share good content to grow reach on Twitter.
- Don’t talk about yourself all day on Twitter. Avoid self-reference language in your tweets. Don’t be “that guy”
- Keep it positive on twitter – avoid negative words #dontbeadebbiedowner
- tip – put url in brower with + sign afterwards to find out how many clicks it’s getting. Very cool.
- Avoid link fatigue on Twitter. To get more clicks, tweet sloooower. Pace yourself!
- Like a fine wine, let your linked tweets breathe. (via @kristinheinig)
- Experiment with longer tweets – what works best with your audience? Try different approaches.
- Twitter tip – place links towards the beginning of a tweet. Sweet Tweet Spot!
- Action verbs have higher CTR. Action Jackson!
- @danzarrella’s data shows hashtags may be statistically irrelevant. Only .04% difference in CTR. Exception: events. (via @tara_eames)
- What time of day should you tweet? Later in the day better. Thur – Sun good. Hit the slower times.
- Did you know that tweets at 4:30pm get the most retweets? Going to test that today. 🙂
- Experiment with Friday afternoon tweets to get more retweets.
- Soooo, a tweet at 4:30pm on a Friday should go through the roof, right? Especially if use action words.
- Top 10 retweetable words: you, twitter, please, retweet, post, blog, social, free, media, help. (via @DigiPartner)
- Don’t bore your followers. My mom always said “people get bored because they’re boring” 😉
- Links get retweeted more than tweets without links. But many retweet w/o even reading link. Headlines count.
- If you want a RT, it helps to say “please re tweet” – 4 times more likely to get retweeted. Good manners.
- Be unique. Say things differently. Avoid common words/phrases.
Great webinar today from @hubspot – thanks @danzarrella for your analysis. #twittersci