Reality Check: Support for Entrepreneurs
When building a new business, where do you get your daily support from? Who is your “go to” for sharing ideas, getting advice, celebrating victories or making it through rough days? If you don’t have a business partner, it can feel a bit lonely.
In most cases, you cannot and should not rely on your family for too much emotional support. Chances are your other half is carrying the financial load while you’re building your business.
What about friends? As much as your friends want you to succeed, they are busy with their own agendas as well. Yes, they’ll listen, but don’t expect them to share your passion or expertise for your specific business.
So what about complete strangers? Well, we call that social networking! 😉 It’s a strange phenomenon – if done properly, all of a sudden people with similar interests will seek you out on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. They’re enthusiastic about what you’re doing, and have some great ideas.
Perhaps the best solution is to seek out like-minded business owners in your local area who meet on a regular basis. And yes, social networking sites are a great way to meet folks, even in your area.