COVID-19 Anxiety – Put down the damn phone

cleaning supplies

I knew once the media started referring to “coronavirus” as “COVID-19” we were in trouble. It went from something you can joke about – beer with a twist of lyme’s disease – to something that will shake up the world and kick your anxiety to an all-time high. And it happened fast.

People seem to fall into two groups: 1) the sky is falling and we will all die, and 2) no big deal, it’s like the flu and only affects old people. To be fair, most of us are probably somewhere in the middle, seeking a platform of common sense. Unfortunately, most social media posts seem to follow the intensity of the two extremes.

Which brings me to my point. Put the damn phone down. Seriously. Anxiety is spreading faster than the cooties in question. See a post you don’t agree with? Don’t bother debating because most of us are not fully educated about this beyond what “they” post. Know your sources. if you must. But better yet, shut up and walk away from your phone. Resist.

Go paint something, read a book, organize your spices, or meditate. Be kind, check on elderly neighbors, spare a square. WASH YOUR HANDS. Spring clean like you’ve never cleaned before.

I hope we all get through this with our health and finances somewhat intact. And I hope we come out of it with better hygiene habits. But for now, but down the damn phone and wash your hands.

Oh, and rinse and repeat when election season hits. That’s likely to be toxic as well.